Òóðáî îòëàä÷èê (Turbo Debugger) 3.0

âûâîäèòñÿ ìåíþ ñî ñïèñêîì äèàëîãîâûõ

       Customize (Íàñòðîéêà) âûâîäèòñÿ ìåíþ ñî ñïèñêîì äèàëîãîâûõ îêíî è
       ýëåìåíòîâ ìåíþ,  ïðèìåðîì  äèàëîãîâîãî îêíà,  ñ êîòîðûì âû ìîæåòå
       ýêñïåðèìåíòèðîâàòü. Ýêðàí âûãëÿäèò ñëåäóþùèì îáðàçîì:
       ¦Turbo Debugger Installation V3.0   1991 Borland Int. Corp. MENU¦
       ¦¦--------------------¬---------------[*]-----Dialog Box-------¬¦
       ¦¦¦-Customize-------->¦--------------¦Box title                ¦¦
       ¦¦¦ -------------¬set ¦--------------¦Text entry    List item 1¦¦
       ¦L¦ ¦-Windows--->¦set ¦--------------¦History item  Higlight   ¦¦
       ¦-L-¦ -----------------¬-------------¦Current item Current item¦¦
       ¦---L-¦-Text---------->¦-------------¦              List item 2¦¦

       ¦-----¦ ---------------------------¬-¦ [ ] Check box           ¦¦
       ¦-----¦ ¦-Window-Background--------¦-¦ [ ] Current item        ¦¦
       ¦-----L-¦ List and group background¦-¦ ( ) Radio button        ¦¦
       ¦------ ¦ Text and entry background¦-¦                         ¦¦
       ¦------ ¦ Highlight background     ¦-¦ Information text        ¦¦
       ¦------ ¦ Button background        ¦-¦                         ¦¦
       ¦------ +--------------------------+-¦ Button  Default  Active ¦¦
       ¦------ ¦ Window border            ¦-¦ ------  -------  ------ ¦¦
       ¦------ ¦ Standard text            ¦-L--------------------------¦
       ¦------ ¦ Information text         ¦----------------------------¦
       ¦------ ¦ Active item              ¦----------------------------¦
       ¦------ ¦ Default item             ¦----------------------------¦
       ¦------ ¦ Current list item        ¦----------------------------¦
       ¦------ ¦ List item                ¦----------------------------¦
       ¦------ ¦ Hot Letter               ¦----------------------------¦

Ñîäåðæàíèå ðàçäåëà